Friday, May 05, 2006

What's the hell about Dell?

They came in their twos and threes. The State media and spooks, I mean. They got what they wanted, enough material to spin a yarn. Dumisani Sibanda (see Chronicle Wednesday 4 May 2005) was at his gregarious best, turning a good story on its head, just to please his paymasters. "NUST students give Dell Hell?" My foot!

I must admit that I did not attend any of the events that were addressed by the US Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Christopher Dell but I can tel you this: a cursory glance at all the other publications, both print and online have a different story...that the ambassador did not mince his words and told it like it was.

A sample of choice quotes from the lecturer:

"Beyond the policy front, freedom of expression is also a crucial element in a functioning market economy on the microeconomic level. Investors, companies, and individuals cannot make informed economic decisions in their interest without free access to information."

"It is undeniable that Zimbabwe's economy is in a downward spiral unmatched by any other country not at war. Look behind nearly every economic dysfunction in this country ... and you will likely find some impediment to a free flow of information or the freedom to act on that information."

"If you rely on the state media, things aren't that bad. In fact, the outlook is rosy indeed and recovery is only months away. Read the dailies, listen to state radio, watch state television we are told the economy will grow by between 1-2 percent. I for one will watch with interest to see how this turnaround will be effected."

Now, looking at the Dumisani story and the subsequent puff piece in today's Chronicle editorial, one gets to appreciate how low part of our media has sunk. One hopes that the damage done to Zimbabwean press will be reversible. One does not help but feel sorry for the likes of Sibanda and his colleagues in the state media. Still very much underpaid but still singing for their supper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having worked with Dumisani Sibanda, it does not surprise me that he has produced this piece of journalistic trash; it fits him to a "T". He will be short-lived when things become more honest.